Julius 音声認識ソフト part1 フリーソフトだがセッティングでエラーの嵐!












ちゃんと入ってるようです。git versionが表示されました。

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ git --version
git version 2.1.4


Julius のソースコードを GitHub から入手します。

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ git clone https://github.com/julius-speech/julius.git
Cloning into 'julius'...
remote: Counting objects: 2329, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (52/52), done.
remote: Total 2329 (delta 39), reused 50 (delta 25), pack-reused 2248
Receiving objects: 100% (2329/2329), 8.64 MiB | 55.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (1029/1029), done.
Checking connectivity... done.



pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd julius
pi@raspberrypi:~/julius $ ./configure --enable-words-int
checking build system type... armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabi
checking host system type... armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabi
checking host specific optimization flag... no
Julius/Julian libsent library rev. Audio I/O
primary mic device API : oss (Open Sound System compatible)
available mic device API : oss
supported audio format : RAW and WAV only
NetAudio support : no
- Language Modeling
class N-gram support : yes
- Libraries
file decompression by : zlib library
- Process management
fork on adinnet input : noNote: compilation time flags are now stored in "libsent-config".
If you link this library, please add output of
"libsent-config --cflags" to CFLAGS and
"libsent-config --libs" to LIBS.



pi@raspberrypi:~/julius $ make
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/pi/julius/libsent'
gcc -g -O2 -fopenmp -Iinclude -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -o src/adin/adin_file.o -c src/adin/adin_file.c
src/phmm/calc_dnn.c:743:5: error: ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only allowed in C99 or C11 mode
for (int i = 0; i < wrk->statenum; i++) {
Makefile:12: recipe for target 'src/phmm/calc_dnn.o' failed
make[1]: *** [src/phmm/calc_dnn.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/pi/julius/libsent'
Makefile:56: recipe for target 'libsent' failed
make: *** [libsent] Error 2
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/pi/julius/libsent'
gcc -g -O2 -fopenmp -Iinclude -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -o src/phmm/calc_dnn.o -c src/ph mm/calc_dnn.c
src/phmm/calc_dnn.c: In function ‘dnn_layer_load’:
src/phmm/calc_dnn.c:420:3: error: ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only all owed in C99 or C11 mode
for (int i = 0; i < thread_num; i++) {
src/phmm/calc_dnn.c:420:3: note: use option -std=c99, -std=gnu99, -std=c11 or -s td=gnu11 to compile your code
src/phmm/calc_dnn.c: In function ‘dnn_calc_outprob’:
src/phmm/calc_dnn.c:743:5: error: ‘for’ loop initial declarations are only all owed in C99 or C11 mode
for (int i = 0; i < wrk->statenum; i++) {
Makefile:12: recipe for target 'src/phmm/calc_dnn.o' failed
make[1]: *** [src/phmm/calc_dnn.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/pi/julius/libsent'
Makefile:56: recipe for target 'libsent' failed



ダウンロード 4.3.1


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ wget -O julius-4.3.1.tar.gz 'https://sourceforge.jp/frs/redir.php?m=osdn&f=%2Fjulius%2F60273%2Fjulius-4.3.1.tar.gz'


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ls
Desktop Downloads Pictures Raspi Videos julius julius-4.4.2.tar.gz python_games sqlite3
Documents Music Public Templates graph_data_db.sqlite julius-4.3.1.tar.gz oldconffiles python_pg test.txt
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tar zxvf julius-4.3.1.tar.gz

configure 4.3.1


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cd julius-4.3.1/
pi@raspberrypi:~/julius-4.3.1 $ ./configure
creating cache ./config.cache
checking host system type... armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabi
checking host specific optimization flag... no
Julius/Julian libsent library rev.4.3.1:- Audio I/O
primary mic device API : oss (Open Sound System compatible)
available mic device API : oss
supported audio format : RAW and WAV only
NetAudio support : no
- Language Modeling
class N-gram support : yes
- Libraries
file decompression by : zlib library
- Process management
fork on adinnet input : noNote: compilation time flags are now stored in "libsent-config".
If you link this library, please add output of
"libsent-config --cflags" to CFLAGS and
"libsent-config --libs" to LIBS.


make 4.3.1


pi@raspberrypi:~/julius-4.3.1 $ make
for d in libsent libjulius julius mkbingram mkbinhmm adinrec adintool mkgshmm mkss jcontrol gramtools generate-ngram jclient-perl man; do \
(cd $d; make); \
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/pi/julius-4.3.1/libsent'
gcc -g -O2 -Iinclude -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -o src/adin/adin_file.o -c src/adin/adin_file.c
make[1]: Entering directory '/home/pi/julius-4.3.1/man'
Nothing to build
make[1]: Leaving directory '/home/pi/julius-4.3.1/man'


make install 4.3.1

pi@raspberrypi:~/julius-4.3.1 $ sudo make install

これで、Julius のコンパイルとインストールは完了です。


pi@raspberrypi:~/julius-4.3.1 $ julius -version
JuliusLib rev.4.3.1 (fast)
Engine specification:
- Base setup : fast
- Supported LM : DFA, N-gram, Word
- Extension :
- Compiled by : gcc -g -O2
Library configuration: version 4.3.1
- Audio input
primary A/D-in driver : oss (Open Sound System compatible)
available drivers : oss
wavefile formats : RAW and WAV only
max. length of an input : 320000 samples, 150 words
- Language Model
class N-gram support : yes
MBR weight support : yes
word id unit : short (2 bytes)
- Acoustic Model
multi-path treatment : autodetect
- External library
file decompression by : zlib library
- Process hangling
fork on adinnet input : noTry `-help' for more information.




pi@raspberrypi:~ $ wget -O dictation-kit-v4.3.1-linux.tgz 'https://sourceforge.jp/frs/redir.php?m=jaist&f=%2Fjulius%2F60416%2Fdictation-kit-v4.3.1-linux.tgz'
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ wget -O grammar-kit-v4.1.tar.gz 'https://sourceforge.jp/frs/redir.php?m=osdn&f=%2Fjulius%2F51159%2Fgrammar-kit-v4.1.tar.gz'

解凍して julius-kits ディレクトリに纏めておきます。

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tar zxvf dictation-kit-v4.3.1-linux.tgz
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tar zxvf grammar-kit-v4.1.tar.gz
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mkdir julius-kits
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mv dictation-kit-v4.3.1-linux julius-kits/
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ mv grammar-kit-v4.1 julius-kits/



pi@raspberrypi:~ $ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05e3:0608 Genesys Logic, Inc. USB-2.0 4-Port HUB
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 056e:700d Elecom Co., Ltd
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 0424:ec00 Standard Microsystems Corp. SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0424:9514 Standard Microsystems Corp.
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub




pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo cat /proc/asound/modules
0 snd_bcm2835
1 snd_usb_audio


これは、/etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.confのsnd-usb-audio のインデックスが-2になっているからだそうです。これを0にします。が・・・・

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ cat /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
cat: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa- base.conf: そのようなファイルやディレクトリはありません



ただいまシステムの中身① Raspberry Piで音声認識

alsa-base.conf を新規作成します。viでこしらえましょう。

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf
options snd slots=snd_usb_audio,snd_bcm2835
options snd_usb_audio index=0
options snd_bcm2835 index=1



pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo cat /proc/asound/modules
0 snd_usb_audio
1 snd_bcm2835




pi@raspberrypi:~ $ amixer sset Mic 50
amixer: Unable to find simple control 'Mic',0
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo cat /home/pi/.asoundrc
pcm.!default {
type hw
card 1
}ctl.!default {
type hw
card 1
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ amixer sset Mic 40
Simple mixer control 'Mic',0
Capabilities: cvolume cswitch
Capture channels: Front Left - Front Right
Limits: Capture 0 - 44
Front Left: Capture 40 [91%] [14.00dB] [on]
Front Right: Capture 40 [91%] [14.00dB] [on]





pi@raspberrypi:~ $ aplay -l 
**** ハードウェアデバイス PLAYBACK のリスト **** 
カード 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], デバイス 0: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA] 
サブデバイス: 8/8 サブデバイス #0: subdevice #0 
サブデバイス #1: subdevice #1 
サブデバイス #2: subdevice #2 
サブデバイス #3: subdevice #3 
サブデバイス #4: subdevice #4 
サブデバイス #5: subdevice #5 
サブデバイス #6: subdevice #6 
サブデバイス #7: subdevice #7 
カード 0: ALSA [bcm2835 ALSA], デバイス 1: bcm2835 ALSA [bcm2835 IEC958/HDMI] 
サブデバイス: 1/1 
サブデバイス #0: subdevice #0 


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ arecord -l
**** ハードウェアデバイス CAPTURE のリスト ****
カード 0: series [UCAM-DLN130T series], デバイス 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]
サブデバイス: 1/1
サブデバイス #0: subdevice #0

それでは、 「おはようございます」と録音 してみます。

録音後、Ctrl + C で終了します。

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ arecord -D plughw:0,0 -f cd test.wav
録音中 WAVE 'test.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, レート 44100 Hz, ステレオ
^Cシグナル 割り込み で中断…


pi@raspberrypi:~ $ aplay -D plughw:1,0 test.wav
再生中 WAVE 'test.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little Endian, レート 44100 Hz, ステレオ 









pi@raspberrypi $ cd julius-kits/dictation-kit-v4.3.1-linux
pi@raspberrypi:~/julius-kits/dictation-kit-v4.3.1-linux $ julius -C main.jconf -C am-gmm.jconf -demo
Notice for feature extraction (01),
* Cepstral mean normalization for real-time decoding: *
* NOTICE: The first input may not be recognized, since *
* no initial mean is available on startup. *
Stat: adin_oss: device name = /dev/dsp (application default) Stat: adin_oss: sampling rate = 16000Hz Stat: adin_oss: going to set latency to 50 msec
Stat: adin_oss: audio I/O Latency = 32 msec (fragment size = 512 samples)
STAT: AD-in thread created <<< please speak >>>Warning: strip: sample 0-1037 is invalid, stripped 
Warning: strip: sample 0-1023 is invalid, stripped 
Warning: strip: sample 0-1022 is invalid, stripped 
Warning: strip: sample 0-1023 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-1022 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-1023 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-1022 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-1022 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-1023 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-1022 is invalid, stripped
Warning: strip: sample 0-577 has zero value, stripped 




pi@raspberrypi:~/julius-kits/dictation-kit-v4.3.1-linux $ julius -nostrip -C main.jconf -C am-gmm.jconf -demo 
Notice for feature extraction (01),
* Cepstral mean normalization for real-time decoding: *
* NOTICE: The first input may not be recognized, since *
* no initial mean is available on startup. *
Stat: adin_oss: device name = /dev/dsp (application default)
Stat: adin_oss: sampling rate = 16000Hz
Stat: adin_oss: going to set latency to 50 msec Stat: adin_oss: audio I/O Latency = 32 msec (fragment size = 512 samples)
STAT: AD-in thread created ERROR: get_back_trellis_proceed: 00 _default: frame 3: no nodes left in beam, now terminates search <input rejected by short input>
STAT: skip CMN parameter update since last input was invalidpass1_best: <<< please speak >>>
WARNING: adin_thread_process: too long input (> 320000 samples), segmented now
Warning: input buffer overflow: some input may be dropped, so disgard the input ### read waveform input 
Stat: adin_oss: device name = /dev/dsp (application default)
Error: adin_oss: failed to open /dev/dsp failed to begin input stream


Raspberry Piで音声認識


sudo sh -c "echo snd-pcm-oss >> /etc/modules"



read waveform input Stat: adin_oss: device name = /dev/dsp (application default)
Stat: adin_oss: sampling rate = 16000Hz
Stat: adin_oss: going to set latency to 50 msec
Stat: adin_oss: audio I/O Latency = 32 msec (fragment size = 512 samples)
STAT: AD-in thread created
ERROR: get_back_trellis_proceed: 00 _default: frame 3: no nodes left in beam, now terminates search <input rejected by short input>
STAT: skip CMN parameter update since last input was invalid <<<
please speak >>>WARNING: adin_thread_process: too long input (> 320000 samples), segmented now
Warning: input buffer overflow: some input may be dropped, so disgard the input STAT: skip CMN parameter update since last input was invalid



WARNING: adin_thread_process: too long input (> 320000 samples), segmented now
You should try to change the sensibility level (-lv) for a high value (default is 2000). In my board it worked fine with 10000 :
# julius -input mic -lv 10000 -C julian.jconf
高い値(デフォルトは2000)の感性レベル(-lv)を変更してみてください。 私のボードでは、10000で正常に動作しました:

上記に出ている例(-input mic -lv 10000)を取り入れてやってみましょう。


pi@raspberrypi:~/julius-kits/dictation-kit-v4.3.1-linux $ julius -input mic -lv 10000 -C main.jconf -C am-gmm.jconf -nostrip
read waveform input
Stat: adin_oss: device name = /dev/dsp (application default)
Stat: adin_oss: sampling rate = 16000Hz
Stat: adin_oss: going to set latency to 50 msec
Stat: adin_oss: audio I/O Latency = 32 msec (fragment size = 512 samples)
STAT: AD-in thread created <<< please speak >>>

おおー、エラーが無くなり、しゃべりを要求してきました。やったね。 そこで、「こんちわ」と言ってみましたが、うーん、認識率が非常に悪いです。



lvの数値 10,000


pass1_best: 本 で は 、 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> 本+名詞 で+助詞 は+助詞 、+補助記号 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | h o N | d e | w a | sp | silE
pass1_best_score: -3297.711670
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 33085 generated, 3104 pushed, 388 nodes popped in 136
sentence1:ほんと 、 。
wseq1: <s> ほんと+名詞 、+補助記号 </s>
phseq1: silB | h o N t o | sp | silE
cmscore1: 0.616 0.024 0.056 1.000
score1: -3319.762451 


pass1_best: こんにちは 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> こんにちは+感動詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | k o N n i ch i w a | silE
pass1_best_score: -2810.670166
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 22323 generated, 1662 pushed, 250 nodes popped in 122
sentence1:本気 だ 。
wseq1: <s> 本気+名詞 だ+助動詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | h o N k i | d a | silE
cmscore1: 0.611 0.072 0.028 1.000
score1: -2831.078369


pass1_best: 受け た 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> 受け+動詞 た+助動詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | u k e | t a | silE pass1_best_score: -2881.974121
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 13539 generated, 1731 pushed, 261 nodes popped in 122
sentence1:受け た 。
wseq1: <s> 受け+動詞 た+助動詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | u k e | t a | silE
cmscore1: 0.068 0.238 0.110 1.000
score1: -2906.262207 


pass1_best: うん 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> うん+感動詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | u N | silE pass1_best_score: -2881.351562
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 22663 generated, 2328 pushed, 345 nodes popped in 122
sentence1: L 。
wseq1: <s> L+記号 </s>
phseq1: silB | e r u | silE
cmscore1: 0.409 0.022 1.000
score1: -2899.006348 

lvの数値 5,000

lvの数値を 10,000 ⇒ 5,000 に変えてやってみると、意外と認識率が高まりました。


pass1_best: 今季 も 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> 今季+名詞 も+助詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | k o N k i | m o | silE
pass1_best_score: -4239.636230
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 16295 generated, 1909 pushed, 243 nodes popped in 185
sentence1: 今季 も 。
wseq1: <s> 今季+名詞 も+助詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | k o N k i | m o | silE
cmscore1: 0.635 0.023 0.140 1.000
score1: -4251.720703 


pass1_best: こんにちは 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> こんにちは+感動詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | k o N n i ch i w a | silE
pass1_best_score: -4716.737793
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 46105 generated, 3806 pushed, 514 nodes popped in 210
sentence1: こんにちは 。
wseq1: <s> こんにちは+感動詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | k o N n i ch i w a | silE
cmscore1: 0.795 0.036 1.000
score1: -4738.603027


pass1_best: 今日 ね 。
pass1_best_wordseq: <s> 今日+名詞 ね+助詞 </s>
pass1_best_phonemeseq: silB | k o N n i ch i | n e | silE
pass1_best_score: -3644.272705
### Recognition: 2nd pass (RL heuristic best-first)
STAT: 00 _default: 51851 generated, 2900 pushed, 440 nodes popped in 153
sentence1: 今日 ね 。
wseq1: <s> 今日+名詞 ね+助詞 </s>
phseq1: silB | k o N n i ch i | n e | silE
cmscore1: 0.298 0.033 0.160 1.000
score1: -3667.632080












60路を越え、RaspberryPi と出会い、その関係でブログ開設(2017/2~)となりました。始めてみると、コツコツやるのが性に合ってしまい、漢字の記事から家の補修・将棋・windows10関係・別名・言い方などジャンルを拡大して今に至ってます。まだまだ、元気なので新たな話題を見つけて皆様に提供できればと思っています。「プロフィールはこちら


Posted by 60爺